Boston Celtics 2022 Season

The Boston Celtics 2022 Season is the 76th season of the franchise in the most popular basketball league the National Basketball Association, following their early exit in the playoffs last season against the Brooklyn Nets.

The team has changed its front office such as the former head coach of the Celtics Brad Stevens who is now the President of the Basketball Operations then the Celtics hired Ime Udoka. Currently, the Boston Celtics are in 8th place of the Eastern Conference making their playoff position in jeopardy, despite an all-star performance from Jaylen Brown, and Jayson Tatum.

Most of the Celtics are having problems during the 4th quarter where they usually crashed due to fatigue and the lack of production from other players in rooster. But all these can still change since the season is still in the half of the season giving the Celtics more chances in improving their record and being able to secure their playoff spot.

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